

Hustler Live at The Cornerstone 7.8 (1)

Hustler is a Perth Based Cover Band with a good time feel to the music, playing Rock and Roll Classic Covers.

Hustler was a successful Band in the eighties, touring extensively in country areas of WA including Geraldton – Albany – Esperance – Margaret River and Busselton, pulling large crowds in the eighties with their shows – including a large production sound system, light show and smoke machines capturing the essence of the Rock Era, with a light-hearted  approach to the music. The Band created a good time feel where-ever they played and this could be seen with the fact patrons didn’t mind having to queue up before the shows at some gigs.


Hustler played the opening of the Busselton Jetty launched by the Premier of WA  and supported Kate Cebrano to a crowd of 10,000 plus, followed by a gig at the Nautical Lady Entertainment Complex.  Hustler has also done fly away gigs on the Cocos Islands for NYE, spending time with the local kids and playing some music with them.

The Band is lead by Joey Roberts on Lead Vocals – ( Nobby) Peter Norris on Bass – Lindsay Dick on Drums and backing vocals – Mal MacKintosh on Guitar and backing vocals –  (Punjab) Dave Rebeiro on Sound Engineering.

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